Posts Tagged ‘hanger’

The Ultimate Organizational Hanger

Shower curtain rings work O.K. on hangers for storing stuff but often the weight will cause the rings to slide to one side, making the hanger tilt and everything be squished together. Plus threading things through the rings and pulling things out can be a hassle.

Possible uses: zipper storage (for sewing), business card holder, scarf or camisole storage for closet.

zipper storage organizerhanger

Things you will need:

  1. Plastic suit hanger with metal rod and the two metal clips
  2. Metal “curtain” clips, you can find them here:
    Shower Curtain Clips w/ Hook
    or on eBay.
  3. Beads with wide holes, wide enough for the metal rod to fit through
  4. Needle nose pliers



  1. (Carefully) take apart the hanger. This part can be tricky, pull it apart slowly because the plastic can break. Eye protection wouldn’t be a bad idea. Maybe even a full suit of armor. Slide off the two metal clips.
  2. The clips may arrive with the top loop open. Use your pliers to close the loop so they wont fall off the hanger.DSC03613
  3. Thread the beads and clips on to the metal rod. Add more beads in between the clips if you want them to be farther apart.DSC03617
  4. Carefully put the metal rod back in the hanger. Again eye protection (or that suit of armor) wouldn’t be a bad idea.